Scrum User Group Heilbronn - Visual Strategy Map

Thu, 04/27/2023
18:00 - 21:00

Visual Strategy Map: Visualizing the direction of product development & company goals

Product ownership is far more than just backlog maintenance. The strategy map shows the relationships between corporate goals, target group impact, value proposition and the sub-goals and product deliveries that are intended to realize these major goals. To this end, visions, quarterly targets and sprint targets are visualized in relation to each other. Development teams, product management and executives can thus develop a common direction and influence it in a targeted manner.

Visual OKR, Goal-Oriented Roadmap & Impact Map are thus combined in one clear tool.

Olaf Bublitz, agile coach and trainer, will share his experience and practical tips on this evening.

Schwarz IT will provide the venue and offer a small snack.

To the registration