Together into the digital future.

Become part of our IT community now!

Advantages of membership

Membership of connect.IT Heilbronn-Franken is definitely worthwhile. Private individuals pay an annual membership fee of 35 euros, while young people in school, training or university pay 15 euros. In return, you can take part in exclusive member events free of charge, for example, or receive attractive discounts on seminars or workshops.

Companies pay membership fees on a sliding scale depending on the number of employees. You will be featured on our member website, also benefit from discounts and can publish specialist articles on our blog free of charge. Use connect.IT as a platform to drive forward IT & digitalization projects in our region together with other companies. In addition, all employees of your company also receive the benefits of a natural member.

  • Free participation in exclusive member events.

  • Attractive discounts for paid events, seminars or workshops.

  • Contact mediation to know-how providers in the network.

  • Exchange with members on various topics such as start-ups, research or public funding.

  • Free membership of the network's specialist forums.

Would you like to be convinced of the benefits of connect.IT membership? Or would you like to tell a company or a friend about the benefits? We have put together a short information letter for you, which you can download below.

Download information letter

Become a member now

To become a member of connect.IT Heilbronn-Franken, simply fill out the membership form online and send it off.

Form for private individuals (natural members)

Form for companies (legal members)

Please sign the generated PDF and send it together with the specified attachments (e.g. copy of student ID, etc.) as a digital PDF version to [email protected]. We ask you to avoid sending it by post as far as possible.

Upon receipt, we will check each membership application and register you in our association administration. Please allow 1-2 weeks for this, after which we will send you all information about your membership and your personal membership number by e-mail. If you have not heard from us after a given time, please send us an e-mail to [email protected].

Membership fees

The membership fees at connect.IT Heilbronn-Franken differentiate between natural persons and legal entities. The latter are based on the size of the company (number of permanent employees). The following annual membership fees are charged:

Private individuals (natural persons)

Private individuals (only with private address)

35 euros

Pupils / trainees / students / FSJ / BFD (with proof)

15 euros

Organizations and companies (legal entities)

Start-up companies up to 2 years after foundation

60 euros

Companies with up to 9 employees

90 euros

Companies with 10 to 49 employees

180 Euro

Companies with 50 to 99 employees

360 Euro

Companies with 100 to 249 employees

600 Euro

Companies with 250 to 999 employees

1,200 euros

Companies with 1000 to 3,999 employees

2,400 euros

Companies with more than 4,000 employees

5,800 euros

Schools, universities, research institutes, etc.

free of charge

Honorary members

free of charge

Classification takes place on the day the member joins the association or on January 1. Members must provide the necessary data and evidence. The association must be informed of any changes. Unless otherwise agreed, membership fees are collected annually by direct debit and are due on January 1 of each year or after invoicing.

Groups of companies can benefit from a group discount if several companies are members. This starts from a total membership fee of 2,500 euros and is staggered from 5 to 20 percent. Please contact us about this in advance.

If you join during the year, the following scale applies for the first year of membership:

  • Joining between January 1 and June 30 - full annual fee

  • Joining between July 1 and December 31 - half the annual fee