Expedition Coding School 42
Weipertstraße 8-10
74076 Heilbronn
The next connect.IT Expedition in May will open the doors to 42 Heilbronn. On 23.05.2023, Managing Director Thomas Bornheim will personally give a tour of the modern premises and explain the unconventional concept of the programming school.
16:50 - Check-In & Get-Together
17:00 - Start of Expedition 42 Heilbronn with guided tour & insights from Thomas Bornheim, CEO of 42 Heilbronn
18:30 - End of the expedition
Learning is rethought at the forge for the next generation of coders. Away from familiar rules and standards, software development is learned in a practical way in team-based projects. You won't find traditional textbooks or lecturers at 42. Unconventional and creative are the keywords that create an opportunity for many to turn their dream of programming into reality. The intensive teamwork also trains valuable soft skills for later professional life.
42 Heilbronn is part of an international network with over 42 locations in 25 different countries. A total of 15,000 students worldwide lay the foundations for a successful career as a programmer in innovative facilities.
In addition, 42 Heilbronn is committed to the IT scene in the region. Last year, for example, 42 organized the first AI Festival in Heilbronn, which turned out to be a complete success and attracted a broad audience ranging from students to families. The 42 also supports the KI-Salon Heilbronn, which organizes regular events to find ways of using AI together with the local community so that it offers added social and cultural value. The KI Salon aims to help shape Heilbronn as an attractive location for artificial intelligence and create benefits for our region.