Cloud X Summit

Wed, 06/28/2023
08:30 - 17:00


Digitization works better together - that's why STACKIT invites you on an exciting journey to the German, data-sovereign and open STACKIT Cloud.

With the cloud, STACKIT has set an important milestone in the digital transformation of the Schwarz Group. In addition, numerous external partners and customers are already benefiting from this innovative platform.

To give you an exciting insight, STACKIT cordially invites you to the first major STACKIT customer and partner event - the Cloud X Summit - on June 28!
An exciting kick-off event will take place the day before, June 27, starting at 7 pm.

Registration is requested.

Program 27.06. - SUNSET SOCIAL:
19:00 - Welcome by Markus Schwind, VP - Member of Executive Board Schwarz IT / STACKIT Go2M
Afterwards - high-fives, highlights, hits - the mix makes the difference

Program 28.06. - Cloud X Summit:
08:30 a.m. - Come together / Check-In
09:00 a.m. - Welcome "How did Schwarz IT get to the cloud?" by Christian Müller, CEO Schwarz IT
09:15 a.m. - Keynote "Ready for the cloud - ready for the future" with Dr. Michael Gebert, President of the European Blockchain Association
09:45 a.m. - "Quo Vadis Digitalization?" presented by Rolf Schumann, CEO Schwarz Digital
10:00 a.m. - Break
10:30 a.m. - Breakout Session 1
12:00 p.m. - Lunch
13:30 - Breakout Session 2
16:45 - Wrap-Up