AI Nightcamp: the learning lab for techies

Fri, 04/26/2024
16:00 - 22:00

The barcamp in evening format

The AI Nightcamp under the motto "Learning Lab for Techies" by Education Future is a barcamp (unconference) in an evening format. In contrast to a normal conference, the entire program is designed by the participants themselves.

There are many training courses on artificial intelligence (AI) available worldwide as well as exciting events in our region. However, Education Future has found that many offers are either not technically in-depth enough or are too complex if you are not a math genius.

Education Future's AI Nightcamp will not only focus on the topic of further education, but also on all AI topics that are currently of interest to tech-savvy people, such as

  • Application / integration of (open source) models
  • Fine-tuning of models
  • Automation with AI
  • Operation of models / Machine Learning Ops (MLOps)
  • Developer tools

Target group

The Nightcamp "AI Learning Lab for Techies" is aimed at all technology enthusiasts who want to deepen their practical AI knowledge.

  • Developers & computer scientists (beginners to professionals)
  • Tech enthusiasts, project managers and product developers with initial experience or ideas for AI use cases
  • Students of technical disciplines with initial experience of AI

The focus is on open, interactive exchange and the joint development of solutions. Bring your questions, projects and ideas!

The program

  • from 16:00 - Check-In & Warmup
  • 16:30 - Opening & session planning
  • 17:00 - Session 1
  • 18:00 - Session 2
  • 19:00 - Session 3
  • 20:00 - Session 4
  • 21:00 - Wrap Up & Feedback
  • from 21:20 - Networking and closing with drinks & music

Snacks & drinks will be provided. The event is free of charge. Binding registration is requested.

Further information & registration