Social media consultation in Heilbronn

Wednesday, 28/01/2015
Steffen Jung

Support with Facebook, Twitter and co.: The social media consultation hour has successfully established itself in Heilbronn

How do I set up a Facebook page for my association? Why should I use Twitter as a freelancer? And how do you actually manage to fill a blog? For around six months now, questions like these have been the subject of the Heilbronn social media consultation. The free consultation service is aimed at interested parties who are looking for advice on a non-profit issue.

Self-employed social media manager Bianka Blavustyak has brought the concept, which already exists in several major German cities, to Heilbronn. Together with Johannes Pfeffer and Isabelle Müller, both of whom work in the social media industry, the 36-year-old organizes the monthly meetings in the offices of Heilbronner Stimme.

Topic number 1 in the consultation hour: Facebook. "There have never been any questions about Twitter, Google+ or anything else," says Blavustyak. "Facebook is the dominant network when it comes to non-profit organizations entering social media."

Those seeking advice come to the social media consultation hour from all age groups and usually for their association - there are often more registrations than free places. Sometimes they are just club members, sometimes press officers. "However, we've never had a club chairman as a guest," says Blavustyak. It is not uncommon for lone fighters to campaign for a better online presence for their organization. "Unfortunately, it seems that all associations are struggling to establish a social media presence in the face of internal reservations."

Clearing up concerns, demonstrating possible uses, explaining hidden functions - the social media consultation hour in Heilbronn is urgently needed for this.

Further information on the social media consultation in Heilbronn:

Twitter: @SMS_HN

What are your personal experiences with social media? We look forward to every comment!