News from Hohenlohe 2020

Tuesday, 25/08/2020
Steffen Jung

First of all, the good news: On 28.09. there will be another Stammtisch! And everyone is invited! The date has been announced and is certain. However, whether the Stammtisch will take place in Künzelsau or virtually is still up in the air. But looking at the current situation, it's more likely to be virtual.

Last year, we had a successful first NightCamp on the Bürkert campus in Ingelfingen-Criesbach. The date for the follow-up NightCamp at the end of April 2020 at ebmPapst in Hollenbach had already been set and planning was underway. But unfortunately it had to be canceled for known reasons. Perhaps we will find a virtual follow-up event soon? The Online Barcamp Night DE showed that something like this is possible. A virtual event cannot replace a personal exchange over pizza and beer, but it can replace a professional exchange on all aspects of the "IT" cosmos.

One major potential that we are still not exploiting enough in our region is our geographical proximity and the similar tasks and challenges outside of our core processes. The idea of competition is still very pronounced here. This is not always wrong. But we should recognize the potential that cooperation on certain topics would bring. And that's exactly where connect-it comes in. The most powerful IT companies in the world, which are also in competition with each other, manage to work together on open source software. That should give us enough inspiration.

Wherever the journey takes us, the Stammtisch meeting is a good start.