News from Hohenlohe 2019

Tuesday, 06/08/2019
Michael Haak

Regulars' table

Since April, the IT regulars' table has been held on the penultimate Monday of the month at Emma in Künzelsau. The topics of conversation are IT-heavy: "Oh, you've introduced Office 365?", "What IT security products do you use?", "When is the next CCC camp?", "You can't imagine what a user has achieved with us today...". The aim is to bring together IT professionals and students interested in IT and thus facilitate networking.

The number of participants varies between 7 and 20 people. Of course, you don't have to be a member to come to the Stammtisch. And no, we won't be selling annual subscriptions at the Stammtisch either 😉 The dates will be published regularly here on the website under Events, on Xing and Facebook.

The next Stammtisch will be on August 19 from 18:00 at Emma.

Nightcamp Hohenlohe

The Nightcamp as a barcamp in an evening format has now proven its worth. Not a whole weekend, but an evening - the organization is limited, in essence there are 3 questions to answer:
When? November 08
Where? Künzelsau/Ingelfingen - exact location to be announced
Who will provide food and drinks? t.b.a.

We are still in the planning stage, i.e. more information will follow!

If you want to know more about the event format "Nightcamp", you should visit Joni is currently developing the site to spread the idea of the Nightcamp.