Mob Programming

Thursday, 19/02/2015
Steffen Jung

Our first event in the coworking space "Mob Programming" in Heilbronn was a great start. Almost 20 participants came together in the Wollhaus on the 5th floor. After a brief introduction of the participants, who came from all areas (Linux administration, Java developers, IT service management, mobile developers, web developers and even those with no programming experience at all), there was an intensive discussion about what mob programming actually is.

Wikipedia knows ...

Mob programming is a software development approach where the whole team works on the same thing, at the same time, in the same space, and at the same computer. This is similar to pair programming where two people sit at the same computer and collaborate on the same code at the same time. With Mob Programming the collaboration is extended to everyone on the team, while still using a single computer for writing the code and inputting it into the code base.

20 people on one PC? We quickly agreed to make Mob Programming a little more individual for us. But which project would we like to tackle? So the next step was to collect and present ideas using cards: Exciting topics came to light: cheat app with P2P communication, Highlander app, app to configure quizzes, MyCityApp, KastanienApp, Unwaster or a portal for refugees for better social integration and much more.


After a lively discussion, three project groups were formed, which immediately retired for an initial half-hour meeting. Hopefully you will soon be able to find out more about these groups and the resulting work.

  1. Home automation: Topics such as automatic notification when the washing machine is ready or when the oil is running low etc. are on the agenda here.

  2. Cheat app: P2P communication for autonomous data exchange, for example as alternative chat clients without the use of central infrastructure components

  3. My City App / Unwaster: The first step is to create a responsive web app within 4 hours, which displays the parking zone in Heilbronn with additional information depending on the GEO data.

Summary: There was a lot of talking and no programming during our first Mob Programming. But we all had a lot of fun and agreed to get together again in about 6 weeks, with the aim of doing more programming than talking 😉

Were you there? Leave a comment with your additions? And if you weren't there, why not come along to our next meeting?