Meeting of IT networks in Neckarsulm

Tuesday, 06/05/2014
Philipp Küller

The IT network connect.IT Heilbronn-Franken and the state initiative smart businessIT invited the regional IT networks of Baden-Württemberg to a meeting at the premises of Bechtle AG in Neckarsulm on April 28, 2014 . This was the third time that network managers, company representatives and scientists from different regions of Baden-Württemberg met to share experiences and engage in dialog. With new additions from Böblingen, Reutlingen and Ulm, a total of twelve regional IT networks are now active in the initiative and together form the state-wide Baden-Württemberg IT network.

The meeting began with a keynote speech by Andrea Krueger from the Ministry of Finance and Economics, who spoke about the cluster policy of the state of Baden-Württemberg. In an interactive presentation, she explained why a cluster-oriented approach can provide competitive advantages, especially for small and medium-sized companies. "We are very pleased that we were able to win Ms. Krueger for the network meeting. It has once again become clear that the bottom-up strategy pursued by smart businessIT is in line with the state's cluster policy instruments. Cluster policy is a key issue for the network managers and together we were able to create a partnership-based approach to strengthen Baden-Württemberg as an IT location," said Gennadi Schermann, head of the state initiative smart businessIT.



In the further course of the meeting, various projects of the IT networks were presented and intensively discussed, and joint measures and activities for further successful cooperation were agreed. All participants noted that the measures introduced in conjunction with the cross-regional exchange of experience have made visible progress and are strengthening the IT regions. The meeting was rounded off with a visit and a short tour of the Bechtle AG logistics center.

The exchange between the IT networks will continue at the fourth network meeting, which will take place at CyberLago in Constance in the summer.

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