Kick-off for the fourth meeting of IT networks on Lake Constance

Tuesday, 08/07/2014
Philipp Küller

On July 1, 2014, the IT network cyberLAGO e.V . and the state initiative smart businessIT invited guests to the premises of Goldbach Interactive AG in Constance. And it's not only during the World Cup in Brazil that things heat up: the further development of the networks and future challenges were openly discussed in a Mediterranean atmosphere with warm summer temperatures.

In the first half of the event, the topic of the IT Baden-Württemberg Competence Atlas was met with approval by all participants. The aim of the project is to make the IT solution competencies of IT provider companies from BW transparent and thus ensure more cooperation is initiated. The beta version is due to go online in September 2014.

After the half-time break, the most important topic was the partnership agreement, which will regulate the cooperation of the current 12 regional IT networks in the state-wide IT network as a cooperation network in the future. The agreement met with a very positive response from all regional partners. Gennadi Schermann, head of the state initiative smart businessIT, is delighted that the foundations have been laid for long-term cooperation beyond the duration of the project: "It is important that this trusting cooperation is already being practiced regionally. After all, each region has its own particular strengths and characteristics and has its own individual experiences that can be used for mutual regional development. And this in turn strengthens Baden-Württemberg as an IT location overall."

Impressions of the network meeting at Lake Constance


The meeting was extended to include a personal exchange of experiences between the networks and a feedback session. The fifth network meeting is also already in the starting blocks: After a short summer break, the IT-Forum Rhein-Neckar e.V . will welcome the regional IT networks in the Mannheim metropolitan region as host.