Help! Where are our Barcamp ambassadors?

Friday, 19/01/2018
Steffen Jung

In 2018, the Barcamp will take place in Heilbronn for the fifth time. Since the first Barcamp at Heilbronn University, interest in the unconference has grown steadily. We have been to Bechtle, Fujitsu TDS, the Innovation Factory and are now returning to Heilbronn University for the 5th anniversary.

The Barcamp in Heilbronn

We have stable and broad support from companies and institutions in the region who are convinced by this event format. The Barcamp community itself has also given us a lot of positive feedback after every Barcamp. Of course, there are always things that can be improved and we want to work on that!

I would like to take a stand on the following points of criticism:

1) Barcamp Heilbronn is somehow different from other Barcamps

Of course: We are a different region than others ;-). I'm always amazed at how many extraordinary and inspiring people I know in our region have never been to our Barcamp. And how many people today have never heard of barcamps. There is no doubt that our region has a lot of catching up to do in some areas. But instead of lamenting, we can take matters into our own hands. A barcamp offers the opportunity for an interdisciplinary exchange on all topics - including the development of our region. I am firmly convinced that if we get even more of the makers, the creatives, the loving ones, the bright ones, the cultural workers, the designers, the crazy ones, the knowledge-hungry ones, the smart ones... excited about our Barcamp, we will have an even more colorful, more intensive Barcamp Heilbronn.

2) Barcamp Heilbronn should focus more on one topic, e.g. IT or mobile

I can certainly understand this wish. We are an IT network and something like this would certainly make sense. But which specific topic do we want to focus on? Where is the open, overarching exchange in the region then? Personally, I am firmly convinced that the wide-ranging exchange of knowledge between IT and creatives, between coders and medians, between business and culture holds a lot of potential. Whether young or old, trainee, student or boss, regardless of the specialist area: everyone can contribute something exciting to our Barcamp. In my view, it is precisely this broad-based, open format that offers the opportunity for ideas to emerge and communities to form that would otherwise not be possible in this form in a subject-specific exchange.

Incidentally, I would very much welcome the development of topic-specific barcamps in our region. But this should take place in addition to and not instead of the open barcamps. Who will take this into their own hands? We would be happy to support!

3) Barcamp Heilbronn is too or not enough IT-oriented

Of course, as an IT network, we also have a certain IT bias in our target group. But I never tire of emphasizing that everyone is welcome. Our region is certainly a little more industrial - nerds, creatives, social media experts, freelancers and entrepreneurs are a little rarer. But here, too, we have enough beacons and great developments in the region that we can build on. We just need to convince the right people to actively participate in our Barcamp and the development of our region! By the way, I am planning to introduce a special track for IT-specific topics this year, so hopefully there will be something for the nerds among us in every time slot.

To summarize

  • Despite all the challenges, we are a region that is developing positively.

  • We have to tackle the challenges - we shouldn't wait for others.

  • We have many inspiring, great people in our region - we should attract them to the Barcamp.

  • We want to bring together people who are interested in an intensive, open exchange of knowledge.

  • There is a reason for the Barcamp rule: "No Tourists". Everyone takes part - whether through sessions, discussions or active participation. And participation starts in the run-up to the event.

Barcamp ambassadors wanted

A good friend gave me this great idea: what we need are Barcamp ambassadors! People who look around in their environment to see who else from our region should definitely come to Barcamp Heilbronn. Let's make the fifth Barcamp a very special Barcamp. It's up to us! Would you like to become a Barcamp ambassador? What do you think about the above points? Feel free to leave your thoughts as a comment. I look forward to your feedback!