Kick-off event connect.IT-Forum IT-Fachkräfte: Initiative against the IT skills shortage in the Heilbronn-Franken region

Friday, 06/04/2018
Steffen Jung

In the Heilbronn-Franconia region, there are a variety of initiatives to combat the shortage of IT specialists, which is increasing significantly with the digitalization of the working and professional world. In order to promote a regular exchange, the IT network connect.IT Heilbronn-Franken is offering a central platform for companies on the topic of IT specialists with a new forum. The kick-off event for the IT specialists forum will take place on April 19, 2018, from 3.45 pm at the Innovationsfabrik Heilbronn.

The event will focus on the design of new IT network training programmes, the organization of a "turbo IT programme" in Heilbronn-Franken and the development of new target groups, such as career changers and international specialists. connect.IT invites interested companies to find out more about the wide range of offers at the information event and to actively participate in the IT specialists forum. The following schedule is planned:

15:45 Arrival, welcome coffee

16:00 Welcome

Steffen Jung, Chairman of connect.IT Heilbronn-Franken

IT joint training: Training IT specialists together

Dr. Claus Hoffmann, connect.IT Heilbronn-Franken, Vocational Training.IT project

Turbo IT program in Heilbronn-Franken: new offer for university entrants

Dr. Claus Hoffmann, connect.IT Heilbronn-Franken,

Maike Reinfurth, Bachelorandin Schwarz IT GmbH & Co KG

Tapping into new target groups for IT specialists:

Offers for academics, career changers, migrants

Johanna Bursac-Reinhart, Heilbronn Employment Agency

Offers for international skilled workers and companies

Marlene Neumann, Welcome Center Heilbronn-Franken

Foundation and launch of connect.IT-Forum IT professionals: new meeting place for exchange and networking

Dr. Claus Hoffmann, connect.IT Heilbronn-Franken, Vocational Training.IT project

from 17:30

  • Information stands with personal advice
  • Matching marketplace for IT network training

Participation is free of charge. Further information on the event and registration can be found at:

JOBSTARTER plus project "Berufsausbildung.IT Heilbronn-Franken"

The Forum IT-Fachkräfte is being launched as part of the JOBSTARTER plus project "Berufsausbildung.IT Heilbronn-Franken". With this project, the association offers a contact and advice center for training in IT professions. In close coordination with numerous cooperation partners, including employment agencies, chambers, educational institutions and business development agencies from the Heilbronn-Franken region, existing support services are made known and made accessible to small and medium-sized companies.

Funding through JOBSTARTER plus

The "Berufsausbildung.IT Heilbronn-Franken" project runs until April 2019 and is funded as a JOBSTARTER plus project by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the European Social Fund. Supporting companies, shaping training, attracting skilled workers: With the JOBSTARTER plus training structure program, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is promoting the improvement of regional training structures throughout Germany. The JOBSTARTER plus projects support small and medium-sized companies with specific services in all matters relating to vocational training, thereby helping to secure a skilled workforce. The program is implemented by the JOBSTARTER program office at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB).

Contact and project management

The contact person for questions relating to the "Berufsausbildung.IT Heilbronn-Franken" project and the contact and advice center is Dr. Claus Hoffmann, Head of Education Projects, connect.IT (Tel.: +49 71317669120). Further information can be found on the Internet at

Vocational training.IT Heilbronn-Franken project

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About connect.IT Heilbronn-Franken e.V.

The association connect.IT Heilbronn-Franken e.V. was founded in 2014 and consists of over 130 legal and natural members. connect.IT emerged from an IT network for the Heilbronn-Franken region, which included numerous representatives from companies, associations, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, business development and Heilbronn University. Around 14,000 people in Heilbronn-Franconia generate an annual turnover of around 3.5 billion euros in the IT sector. connect.IT aims to promote communication between IT-interested employees, companies, pupils and students and to network them more closely than before through innovative event concepts.

connect.IT Press contact

Dr. Claus Hoffmann


connect.IT Heilbronn-Franken e.V.

Weipertstraße 8-10

DE-74076 Heilbronn

[email protected]
Phone: +49 7131 7669120