connect.IT Meet n' Chill

Thursday, 24/07/2014
Steffen Jung

obile Future

Under the motto "Mobile Future", the newly founded connect.IT Heilbronn-Franken association is launching the "Meet n' Chill" series of events. The concept of the evening is quickly explained: people meet in a relaxed atmosphere, listen to trendy presentations and meet people interested in IT in the region. The Hip Island 2.0 in Heilbronn was the perfect venue for the first event of the "summer break". The Citybeachclub invites you to relax on the city beach away from the daily grind and simply enjoy a cocktail in a relaxed atmosphere.


The theme of the evening will be mobile internet and apps and how companies can benefit from today's possibilities. After a welcome by Frank Dörrstein from connect.IT, the speakers Oliver Schmitt, Rayko Enz and Bernd Potyka will present the following talks:

Think mobile: The importance of the mobile Internet for companies

The rapid spread of smartphones and tablets is rapidly changing the way we use media and is therefore having a decisive influence on the mobile web. Its mechanisms are new and different and bring with them completely new application possibilities and ideas. The new web is therefore becoming a new and critical challenge for entrepreneurs that needs to be addressed strategically. In the first lecture of the evening, Oliver Schmitt from Freiburg will present an overview of the topic of "mobile": facts and figures, apps, mobile-optimized websites, mobile content strategies, augmented reality and mobile solutions for e-mail marketing and sales.

Here I am - check in! New opportunities for business thanks to beacons & Bluetooth LE

Have you ever heard of beacons? Beacons constantly transmit our position and invite you to "check in". They can automatically send smartphone users useful information, but also enable the "transparent customer". Either way, experts expect dramatic changes in everyday life. In the second presentation of the evening, Rayko Enz and Bernd Potyka will show how "beacons" can be used in conjunction with apps in a variety of applications in retail, tourism and private households. For example, a customer can automatically check in at a retailer with a pre-installed app and pay without even taking their smartphone out of their pocket. Software developers are looking forward to the new possibilities. "Beacons are another step towards connecting the real and imaginary worlds," says Rayko Enz, Managing Director of SIC! software.

The speakers

Oliver Schmitt (re-lounge GmbH, Freiburg)

Oliver-Schmitt-relounge.jpgOliver Schmitt (38) is the founder and Managing Director of re-lounge GmbH in sunny Freiburg. He has been living the web since the mid-90s. At re-lounge he is responsible for strategic consulting for clients. His focus is on digital trends, mobile, e-mail marketing, social media and content management, on which he is also active as a speaker. He tweets under @oliverschmitt. In addition to his family, he loves good music and real books.

Rayko Enz and Bernd Potyka (SIC! Software GmbH, Heilbronn)

Rayko-Enz-SIC-Software.jpgAs shareholder and Managing Director of SIC! Software GmbH, a high-end service provider for mobile software solutions for smartphones and tablets, Rayko Enz is responsible for the company's technical management, project management and customer consulting.


Bernd Potyka is Sales Manager at SIC! Software. His focus is on customer acquisition and support.

SIC! Software has been operating successfully on the market since 2006 and offers engineering services and modern sales solutions for more success. As a reliable partner for business-relevant applications, SIC Software provides support from consulting to conception and rollout. Customers benefit from many years of experience in the B2B and B2C environment.


The speakers are happy to provide you with the presentation as a download: