connect.IT: Association founded!

Tuesday, 22/07/2014
Steffen Jung

Initially it was an initiative, then a formal project followed. Since July 15, 2014, the founding of the connect.IT Heilbronn-Franken association has been a done deal. 26 people set the course for this at the founding meeting at Heilbronn University and confirmed their membership with their signatures. connect.IT Heilbronn-Franken e. V. (connect.IT) aims to promote communication between pupils, trainees, students, university graduates, specialists and companies in the field of information and communication technologies, as well as interested members of the public. At the same time, innovative event concepts are intended to bring them closer together.

Exchange of knowledge and experience and strengthening the IT location

"On the one hand, connect.IT serves as a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience," explains the newly elected chairman of the association, Steffen Jung. Another purpose of the association's statutes is to strengthen Heilbronn-Franken as an IT location, in particular by pooling and networking existing expertise in the region. In addition to the transfer of knowledge, information and innovations as well as networking, this is to be achieved primarily through information and training events, but also through the promotion of young IT talent and start-ups as well as the intensification of cooperation. "We want to unite the various interest groups and give the whole thing a face," summarizes Jung. "The Heilbronn region is an attractive place to live and work! We want to emphasize this even more clearly," continues Jung.

Steffen Jung elected as chairman

The meeting elected Steffen Jung as Chairman of the association, with Frank Dörrstein as his deputy. Philipp Küller is the treasurer, Agnes Korsakas is the secretary. connect.IT elected Stefan Herold, Prof. Dr. Dieter Hertweck, Wolfgang Kraus, Samy Mekky, Jochen Rummel and Daniel Wierbicki as the other six board members. Klaus Blükle and Prof. Dr. Sigurd Schacht were appointed as auditors.


"A Board of Trustees will advise the Executive Board and at the same time promote the purpose of the association," adds Deputy Chairman Frank Dörrstein. It will meet at least once a year. Klaus Blükle, Rayko Enz, Katharina Faye, Harry Hauck, Titus Höflich, Isabelle Müller, Kay Plambeck, Christiane Reichert, Sigrid Rögner and Dr. Andreas Schumm were appointed as members of the board.

Association members can look forward to attractive benefits

Membership of connect. IT is definitely worthwhile. Private individuals pay an annual membership fee of 35 euros, while young people in school, training or university pay 15 euros. In return, they can take part in exclusive member events free of charge, for example, or receive attractive discounts on seminars or workshops.

Companies pay staggered membership fees depending on the number of employees. For example, they can present their company on, benefit from discounts or place job advertisements in the future job newsletter free of charge. In addition, the company memberships also include a graduated number of natural memberships that can be awarded to employees or customers.

  • Companies with up to 9 employees: 75 euros

  • Companies with 10 to 49 employees: 150 euros

  • Companies with 50 to 99 employees: 300 euros

  • Companies with 100 to 249 employees: 500 euros

  • Companies with 250 to 999 employees: 1,000 euros

  • Companies with 1000 and more employees: 2,000 euros

There are also special conditions for start-up companies. (University) schools and research institutions are exempt from membership fees. Chairman Steffen Jung, his deputy Frank Dörrstein and treasurer Philipp Küller will be happy to assist you.