25. connect.IT Scrumtisch - Scaling Scrum with LeSS

Monday, 06/03/2017
Kerstin Blau

At the connect.IT Scrumtisch, people interested in Scrum, agile methods/settings and project management meet every four weeks. The circle of participants is made up of committed people from different industries and fields of activity. Discussions usually take place in an open round of topics, where new participants can also get started quickly and ask individual questions to share their experiences.

The discussion rounds often focus on how Scrum can be scaled from software development to the entire product development process. The best-known approaches include Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS), Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), the Agile Scaling Cycle or Spotify engineering culture.

LeSS Workshop

For the 25th Scrumtisch we were able to win Kai-Uwe Rupp, a consultant for the LeSS framework. He gave us an intensive workshop on the Large-Scale Scrum Basics and the appropriate product definition. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Kai-Uwe Rupp once again for his great commitment and the many questions he answered.


We started with the LeSS principles and learned that LeSS is based on the familiar Scrum principles. Transparency and a holistic product focus play a major role here. Just like Scrum, Large Scale Scrum also focuses on the customer. Other guidelines include continuous improvement towards perfection, lean and systemic thinking, as well as empirical process control in order to develop further depending on the situation. The tenth principle of LeSS is the queueing theory, which also recommends the work in progress limitations known from Kanban. You can download Kai-Uwe Rupp's presentation here: LeSS_FrameworkInANutshell_EN_4Printing

In the second part of the evening, we worked on agile product definitions, which form the basis for Scrum scaling.


A special highlight was the raffle of books, which we would like to recommend at this point:


A big thank you also goes to IDS Imaging for providing the room, materials, drinks and catering.

Scrum table dates in March and April 2017

At the connect.IT Scrumtisch in March, we will organize an open round of topics. Experiences with Scrum, Kanban, agile approaches or classic project management can be discussed here. We are planning another workshop in April. This time, Dr. Andreas Birk will be working with us on what good requirements management can look like in agile development. The event is organized via Xing, please register.