connect.IT Heilbronn-Franken e.V.

Moments created together.

Past experiences. Shape the future!

Your past IT events in the region

connect.IT regulars' table Heilbronn

The connect.IT Stammtisch Heilbronn regularly takes place in a Heilbronn location according to the "usual pattern". Familiar in this sense means a short lightning talk at the beginning a relaxed get-together the...

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Mon 09/25/2023
18:30 - 20:30
Lehners Wirtshaus
Bahnhofstraße 1
74072 Heilbronn

Expedition City of Heilbronn

We are delighted that the city of Heilbronn has invited us to our next connect.IT Expedition. In the large council chamber in Heilbronn's historic town hall, Lord Mayor Harry Mergel...

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Tue 09/19/2023
16:50 - 18:30
Heilbronner Rathaus: Großer Ratssaal
Marktplatz 7
74072 Heilbronn

68th GMDS Annual Conference

"Science. Close to people" This is the motto of the 68th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS e.V.). Through its diverse scientific activities, the...

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Sun 09/17/2023, 09:00 -
Thu 09/21/2023, 18:00
Bildungscampus North
Bildungscampus 14
74076 Heilbronn

Office Hour with the AI Salon

Meet an AI expert up close Welcome to the free online meeting where you can ask your questions about AI and meet the Artist in Residence Tristan Behrens! In this interactive...

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Wed 09/13/2023
15:00 - 16:00
Online event

KI Salon: Community Event #7

The KI Salon cordially invites you to the next community event at the Urban Innovation Hub in Sülmerstraße in September. Further information

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Mon 09/11/2023
17:30 - 20:30
Urban Innovation Hub
Sülmerstraße 21
74072 Heilbronn

Experience 3D specialist days

ZSL symposium in cooperation with experimenta Heilbronn "Experience 3D" - makerspaces and extended reality in schools and lessons In recent years, with the increasing number of makerspaces in schools and...

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Tue 07/25/2023, 12:00 -
Thu 07/27/2023, 14:00
Experimenta - The Science Center
74072 Heilbronn

KI-Festival Heilbronn

Personalized shopping experiences, autonomous driving, fitness smart watches, gaming, food, art, music. Artificial intelligence is everywhere. The AI Festival is an opportunity to celebrate the creativity and spirit of optimism...

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Sat 07/01/2023, 08:00 -
Sun 07/02/2023, 18:00
Wohlgelegen & Im Zukunftspark
Im Zukunftspark
74076 Heilbronn

Cloud X Summit

Xperience.Xchange.Xplore. Digitization works better together - that's why STACKIT invites you on an exciting journey to the German, data-sovereign and open STACKIT Cloud. With the cloud, STACKIT has set an important...

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Wed 06/28/2023
08:30 - 17:00
Bildungscampus Auditorium
Bildungscampus 6
74076 Heilbronn

Expedition experimenta

In June, members and friends of connect.ITcan look forward to a unique expedition to experimenta in Heilbronn. The experimenta is a renowned science and technology museum that offers a...

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Tue 06/27/2023
15:45 - 18:30
Experimenta - The Science Center
74072 Heilbronn

Night of Science

Join in, watch, listen, network An evening full of aha-effects - at the Night of Science, tomorrow can be experienced today. Visitors can choose freely between the various program items to...

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Fri 06/23/2023, 18:00 -
Sat 06/24/2023, 05:00
Bildungscampus 1
74076 Heilbronn