Siri, explain the sales forecast for 2020!

Monday, 16/09/2019
Steffen Jung

Guest article by Heike Wieland, Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences

On the use and introduction of artificial intelligence in small and medium-sized companies in the Heilbronn-Franken region.

Hardly any other term in the field of technology and IT is used as frequently as 'artificial intelligence' (AI). With Amazon's Alexa voice assistant or Apple's Siri, for example, the use and application of algorithms has long since become part of everyday life for many people and is now the norm. In the future, artificial intelligence will also be used to make driving cars safer, for example, and will eventually be completely taken over by software programs (keyword: autonomous driving). However, in addition to convenience and safety, companies are hoping that artificial intelligence will above all increase efficiency, effectiveness and productivity, for example through the use of robots in production. Gero Nießen, Director of the consulting firm Willis Tower Watson, calls artificial intelligence the "biggest economic transformation the world has ever seen". Nevertheless, hardly anyone who does not deal with the topic in depth and professionally can grasp or explain the term.

A generally valid definition of the term simply does not exist, as there is no general definition of the term 'intelligence'. However, it can be said that artificial intelligence is a subfield of computer science. But to describe it purely as a field of computer science is again not enough. The complexity of AI systems is also influenced by neuroscience, psychology, mathematics, philosophy, communication sciences and linguistics. In principle, the term AI encompasses two aspects. On the one hand, it refers to the creation and imitation of human behavior and thought. This also represents the more ambitious and visionary goal. On the other hand, artificial intelligence can take on the automatic and autonomous completion of tasks with a clearly defined scope. Examples of this include the aforementioned autonomous driving, intelligent software assistants in companies and systems for automatic speech and image recognition. Both aspects or approaches of artificial intelligence are characterized by the independent learning and processing of new and unknown data. The systems are thus continuously adapted to changing environmental conditions by incorporating and processing new information. Artificial intelligence applications are based on machine learning and deep learning approaches, for example. The practical application possibilities are diverse and are constantly increasing. For example, AI systems can take over warehouse management, purchasing and the production of machines with the help of robots. In summary, it can be said that artificial intelligence offers a number of opportunities and advantages in a wide range of areas. At the same time, however, its use is still associated with problems and risks. For example, research is still being carried out into how a robot can analyze its environment in such a way that people are not endangered.

What are the possible applications and limitations for small and medium-sized companies in the Heilbronn-Franken region? What are the opportunities and risks? And what should be taken into account when introducing it in the company? A scientific project by the Center for Machine Learning (ZML) at Heilbronn University is addressing all of these questions as well as tips and recommendations for the introduction of artificial intelligence systems. The project also aims to determine the current status of the use of artificial intelligence and the challenges faced by companies.

If you are interested in the topic of artificial intelligence and are part of a small or medium-sized company (up to a maximum of 500 employees) in the Heilbronn-Franken region, you are cordially invited to take part in a survey. It will take about ten minutes to answer the questions. Your answers will of course be treated confidentially and will be anonymized as part of the evaluation. In return, you can benefit from the evaluation of the survey, practical tips on the introduction of AI systems and a comparison of your company with other competitors in the Heilbronn-Franken region. If you have any questions, please contact Heike Wieland, the student responsible for the project, by e-mail.

Link to the survey

Thank you in advance for your support.

Guest article by Heike Wieland, Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences