Monday, 22/06/2015
Daniel Wierbicki

The most important asset of an IT network is its members. The people behind it and the companies with their employees, their know-how and their skills. In order to support the growing number of members and the requirements of companies, efficient networking and management of the knowledge base about members and their skills tailored to the organization are required.

The CONNECT2KNOW project was launched in November 2014 to meet these requirements.


Tasks and objectives

The main objectives of CONNECT2KNOW are to professionalize the network and promote awareness of the Heilbronn-Franken IT region. This is to be achieved through the introduction of a member management system on the one hand and the development of a regional competence database on the other.

A member management system that is optimally tailored to the organization (similar to a CRM system) is intended to optimize the processes within the association and thus support the strategic goal of professionalizing the network.

The development of a regional competence database is intended to promote the strategic goal of raising awareness of regional IT, as well as the promotion of the regional innovation system (initiation of cooperation, sourcing of specialists). This should enable our members (companies and organizations) to create a detailed profile of themselves in order to be found by IT users and young IT professionals in the region.

Promotion and project management

CONNECT2KNOW is funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) as part of the smart businessIT initiative. An important goal of this initiative is in particular the further development of regional IT networks in Baden-Württemberg, such as connect.IT. Daniel Wierbicki is one of the project managers available to you as a contact person.